
Posts Tagged ‘vermont’

sexting In a testament to the basic tenants of the liberal mindset – no judgements, no right and wrong, doing whatever you please – The Vermont Legislature is actually considering a law that would legalize “sexting” – sending nude pictures of themselves or others – between “consenting” 13 – 18 year olds. So, if my 14 year old daughter receives a picture of a nude 15 year old boy (which would be child porn in any other situation) that’s ok. Ostensibly, this is done because they don’t want kids to be charged with a felony sex crime when these incidents occur. That’s fine – I actually agree with that. I did stupid stuff when I was a kid too, and thankfully, I wasn’t penalized all my life for it. However, they don’t want to reduce it to a misdemeanor or making it unlawful – they want it to be completely legal – a societal stamp of approval – and that’s what is insane.

Just as I’ve always said to my friends (much to their incredulity), child porn is the last frontier to be conquered by the liberals. Sex with children? Why not? They can use the exact same excuses for gay marriage to justify it. I know you’ll think that kids can’t give consent – but these wacky liberals will find an argument to convince you they can. You might also think that this can’t possibly happen – the sexual activity of young teens becoming acceptable in society – but 30 years ago, that what they said about gay marriage – and now we have something like 4 states legalizing it – thanks to liberals.

There is no bottom to the waters of depravity and self-destruction liberals swim in. In the land of No Judgements, on the continent of No Sin, the only sin is judgement itself. If there is a judgement, liberals feel it’s a noble cause to destroy it. After all, we don’t want to have anyone feel bad; God no.

Why should I be surprised? Vermont has totally been taken over by these manic liberals. They won’t adopt Jessica’s Law ( a law that mandates a 25 year sentence on first-time sex offenders), they legalize gay marriage (which denies kids a mom and a dad), and now they want to legalize child porn.

And to think, the most liberal senator in history is now our President. Priceless.

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