
Posts Tagged ‘Christianity’

The gays have made good progress in their push to re-define marriage; Their next target will logically be places of worship.

Oh yes.

Now, they are going to tell you that all they are interested in is civil marriage, that they won’t attack places of worship (churches, temples, mosques, etc); it’s just the legal entitlements they are after.

Let me tell you why I think that’s bull. I’ve always maintained that gays want to be able to marry because marriage is the ultimate “gold standard” of a relationship – that the legal entitlements are just a nice benefit.  It’s a bedrock of society, widespread across all peoples, and has been around forever. If you are in a relationship that is so questionable by society (not to mention nature), as gay relationships are, and you want society to accept your relationship, then the logical course of action is to try to obtain that status for your relationship, to give it (hopefully) more credence and to make it more acceptable in society.

So let’s assume society’s definition of marriage changes what it has always been to make this very small segment of the population feel better about themselves and this relationship. Is that enough? No, of course not. Most people get married in the context of a religious venue of some sort. That is the tradition, icing on the cake, so to speak. If you are spiritual or religious person, you would like the blessing of your place of worship, of course. Also, it would put one more legitimacy “stamp” on the relationship; not only are we married, we were married in church – accept us! This of course, would mean that the clergy of the church would have to approve the ceremony. Some religions – like the Unitarian Universalists (a group who really has no definitive beliefs) – allow gay marriage. However, most don’t.


So, a married straight people will have that “edge” over a gay married couple – being married in a place of worship. Well, can’t have that. There must be absolute equality! Everywhere! All the time!

You’re thinking that government can’t tell the church what it can and cannot do, regarding ceremonies; and you’d be right.

What it can do is revoke the place of worship’s tax-exempt status, that all (that I’m aware of) places of worship enjoy. Punishment, for not towing the line. When it comes to gay rights versus religious freedom – gay rights win, as seen in this NPR article about the subject.

Refusal of a place of worship to marry a gay couple is what? Discrimination. That’s what they will cry. As such, they will compel gay-friendly legislators to take away tax-exempt status from those places of worship that don’t fall into line. Who knows? If the clergy of a place of worship has a sermon on how homosexuality is a sin, they might even be charged with a “hate crime”.

And then, their work will be done. They’ll be able to wear the mantle of marriage, with the civil, moral and legal approbations bestowed therein; they will have then punished churches that dare deny them the church ceremony, and then finally went after the clergy that made moral proclamations on their homosexuality.

This is why we must stand up against the re-definition of gay marriage, so this slouching toward Gomorrah never gets started.

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So, we’re not the Devil’s own after all!

In a surprising news story,  an Ivy Leaguer from Brown university infiltrates Falwell’s Liberty University, ostensibly to write a hit piece book on us wacky christians. You KNOW how crazy we are. Turns out, we’re not, and this guy’s book reflects that. Wow. He even became friends with God. Once ambivalent about faith, Roose now prays to God regularly — for his own well-being and on behalf of others. He said he owns several translations of the Bible and has recently been rereading meditations from the letters of John on using love and compassion to solve cultural conflicts.


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familyprayingMore from the religion-haters, friends: The horror of praying for someone! You’re expelled from a private college!

That is what happened to two community college students – Kandy Kyriacou and Ojoma Omaga – when they had the audacity to pray on the campus of the College of Alameda. They were initially told they were going to be suspended for “disruptive behavior.” That led to disciplinary hearings and the formal warning that they would be punished if they prayed in a faculty member’s office again.

The two ran into trouble when they were praying for a teacher who was ill in her office when another instructor walked in and blurted out, “You can’t be doing that in here.” The two women ceased praying and left the office. Note the “offensive” act – praying – didn’t occur in a classroom or during structured instruction.

The Peralta Community College District contend they were entitled to designate faculty offices as “places for teaching and learning and working,” and not for “protests, demonstrations, prayer or other activities” that would be disruptive.

There’s a new one. Prayer is disruptive. One can only imagine what educrats would think of someone meditating in a faculty member’s office. Are they just mediating or – heaven forbid (or should that be “secular forbid”) – thinking disruptive Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or some other religious thoughts?

This is the hope of liberals – to contain religious expression – not including Islam, of course – and put it in a closed box, where they don’t have to see it, hear it or be otherwise exposed to it.

Why? Because major religions, at their very core, have a set of rules of what you should – and shouldn’t – do. Of course, this is nails on a chalkboard to the liberal mind, in which no moral bounds should exist; a world in which the only thing to be judged is judging itself.

Expelled – EXPELLED – from a private college for quietly praying for someone. Thanks liberals. Thanks for your strong show of “diversity” and “tolerance”. You really are the torchbearer for those ideals.

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“Tolerance” today is just relativism, that is, all ideas and personal beliefs are equally valid; Christianity, Islam, Wicca…all have the same value in truth.


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