
Posts Tagged ‘Global Warming’

Don’t let lib’s take it with alleged “Global Warming”; let’s make it a national security issue.

Once this “crisis” on global warming “cools” soon, and the Libs and their sky-is-falling hysteria moderates, Conservatives can show true leadership in the area of energy by making it a national security – and economy boosting – issue. Here’s how:


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A 3 year study by biological scientists pointed to the reality of life after death.

In this Time article, science seems to buy into the notion that there is life after death. That’s what we Christians have been saying all along. Does this PROVE there is life after death? Well, about as much as you can prove there is global warming – if you apply the same standards they do – it looks that way, so it must be that way.

Liberals have probably the lion’s share of atheists, from what I can see. Maybe this article will give them pause, since for them, science is God.

Q: What sort of methods will this project use to try and verify people’s claims of “near-death” experience? A: When your heart stops beating, there is no blood getting to your brain. And so what happens is that within about ten seconds, brain activity ceases —as you would imagine. Yet paradoxically, ten or 20 percent of people who are then brought back to life from that period, which may be a few minutes or over an hour, will report having consciousness. So the key thing here is, are these real, or is it some sort of illusion? So the only way to tell is to have pictures only visible from the ceiling and nowhere else, because they claim they can see everything from the ceiling. So if we then get a series of 200 or 300 people who all were clinically dead, and yet they’re able to come back and tell us what we were doing and were able see those pictures, that confirms consciousness really was continuing even though the brain wasn’t functioning.

I encourage you to check out the article.

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