
Posts Tagged ‘obama’


Libs DO consider Obama the Messiah.

‘The Truth’ by Painter Michael D’Antuono which will be unveiled on President Obama’s 100th Day in Office at NYC’s Union Square.

This is disgusting. I hope that Obama, a Christian, condemns this trash.

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Maybe I was wrong; maybe Obama IS the Messiah after all!  As  you can see by this AP photo, which I found on an AP story, seen here, that’s the subliminal implication. Look at the way The Chosen One glows, messianic-like (swoon).

Oh, wait, wait, I’m sorry…there is no liberal media bias!

Silly me!

Un-friggin-believable. And to think the Founding Fathers depended on the press to keep an eye on government. Now, they choose the government.

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He’s not that great of a speaker.

He’s the most liberal person in the Senate.

His career as a politician is short.

He’s never governed anything.

By his own admission, he wants to rob from the rich and give to the poor.

He has dubious political friends.

His spiritual mentor, a religious firebrand, seems not to be an issue for the liberals, who hate religion.

If someone dares questions the “messiah”, the liberal media tears him apart.

He was wrong on the troop surge.

His wife is scary. She’s “finally proud of her country.”

He has given money to, and still supports ACORN, a voter registration group that is fraudulent and being investigated by the FBI.

If he is elected, we’ll have a lawyer president, a lawyer first lady, and a lawyer vice-president.


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Although Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden routinely mocks his Republican counterpart, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, for her onetime support of the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere,” Biden and his running mate voted to keep the project alive twice.

Both Biden and Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama voted to kill a Senate amendment that would have diverted federal funding for the bridge to repair a Louisiana span badly damaged by Hurricane Katrina, Senate records show.

And both voted for the final transportation bill that included the $223 million earmark for the Alaska project.

Well, what do you know?!  See the fully story on CNN.

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Did Obama actually vote to deny medical care to babies that survied an abortion?

I have come across several right-wing blogs and websites that claim just that. Is it so, senator? Did you vote to withhold medical care from an infant that survived an abortion?

Effectively, that’s infanticide, Obama.

I have read the accounts by my side, but I know there are two sides to every story – I’d like to hear yours, senator.

Please don’t tell me it’s true. Once that baby has seperated from the mother, helping the baby has nothing to do with the mother’s health – no exceptions for rape or incest apply either.

So, I’m willing to hear Obama supporter’s side of this story.

Be truthful, don’t lie. Because if you are lying, and he did what my side alledges he did, you are just as culpable, in my eyes.

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Can you believe some white people (all of whom are racist, of course) are NOT going to vote for Obama? I mean, (as a liberal would say) “WTF?!”

Yes, as you know, if Obama loses this race, it’s not because a majority of people didn’t agree with his view for America, or believe he lacked experience – no it couldn’t be that. We all know Obama is smarter than the American people (as all liberals are), so there is no good reason not to elect him.

Therefore, those whites that didn’t vote for him are racists! We saw the polls! 25% of Americans won’t vote for a black (or half-black) man!

This is what they are going to declare; America is still inherently racist.

Here’ something they don’t take into account: How about white people that vote for Obama because he’s black? Maybe they think a black should be president because of white guilt, or they are flying their diversity flag, or just feel that if only there was a black president, the black culture would return to sanity.

They sweep that little demographic under the rug.

Race-baiting serves a lot of people in this country, especially Democrats.

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Liberals are claiming McCain is out of touch, because on Monday, he stated “The fundamentals of the economy are strong”

If you are going to make a quote, and try to savage someone, why don’t you at least include the whole quote? Or, will that not fit into your hysterical liberal view?

What he said was:

“The fundamentals of the economy are strong, but these are very, very difficult times.” source.

Instead, you chose to take just the first half, making McCain look like a buffoon. Nice.

We are not in a depression. We are not even in bad shape. Unemployment is moderate, not high. We have finacial institutions that bought, or underwrote NINJA loans for some people – No Income, No Job, No Assets, which was mandated by law during the Clinton years, to help out low, or no income people get into homes. Jeez, worked out well didn’t it? Another liberal feel-good program screwing up the lives of people. The effects:

  • People getting thrown out of homes. These people were given loans they could not afford; as a result, when they lost their jobs, or ran through a bad financial period, they lost the home.
  • Inflated housing prices. Since more people were getting loans, home prices went up – especially on higher priced homes – due to the increased competition for those homes. Now that the housing bubble is bursting, people are losing equity in their homes.
  • Major financial institutions go into default. Since banking institutions were compelled to make these insane loans, when they were called in by other institutions, they couldn’t pay.

Yeah, let’s go for more democrat do-gooder solutions.

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I came across a very interesting blog, from a guy that is supposed to be a director in Hollywood, and familiar with special effects. He took a look at the two Charlie Gibson interviews – with Barack and Sarah – and noted an interesting difference: Sarah was made to purposefully made to look smaller (psychologically speaking: more child-like, less intelligent) than Gibson:

She looks like a teenage daughter getting a stern talking to by her father.

Now take a look at the typical shots from the Obama interview:


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Dick Polman, a columnist for the Philadelphia Enquirer, says in this column that the reason that the presidential race is so close, is because white people are racist, and they just won’t vote for a black person; oh, they won’t say so in exit polls, or admit it otherwise, but once they get behind that curtain, the the Ku Klux Klan side of them take over, and really shove it to that blackie!

Admittedly, some people are racist, and won’t vote for Obama because he’s black; that’s just a sad fact. What percentage of people, I don’t know.

This is why he’s not winning!  It’s not because people aren’t buying into his worldview – no, that can’t be it.


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The typical liberal mindset is one of distrust, anger, hate, fear, disillusionment and selfishness.The psychopathology behind these outward displays is usually based on a broad fear of the world; fear of the world ending (global warming), fear of divine judgment (religion), fear of judgment of others (morality) and fear of loss of self control (laws, societal prohibitions).

This fear manifests itself in outward – and inward – ways. The typical liberal is very vocal of their views, as is evidenced in their dominance here on the internet, in blogs, and comments on news sites, such as CNN. On a more professional level, journalists and other news people, are liberal, generally speaking. So are newspapers. All have a common thread – voicing of inner fears. Often times, you’ll see conservative or Republican events interrupted by liberal groups such as Code Pink, or other anti-war groups. Obviously, these people feel so fearful of what Republicans or conservatives have done, or may do, that they feel compelled to risk being hauled off to jail to relieve the tension in their mind – due to fear. In contrast, how often does one see a conservative or Republican group disrupt a liberal or Democratic event? That is not to say, that conservatives never protest; they do. One thing that comes to mind our abortion protests at the Supreme Court on the anniversary of Roe versus Wade. However, these demonstrations are largely quiet in contrast to the often riotous demonstrations of liberals. Inwardly, liberals will manifest their fear and hate on themselves, through drug use, risk-taking, or depression.

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