
Posts Tagged ‘praying’

familyprayingMore from the religion-haters, friends: The horror of praying for someone! You’re expelled from a private college!

That is what happened to two community college students – Kandy Kyriacou and Ojoma Omaga – when they had the audacity to pray on the campus of the College of Alameda. They were initially told they were going to be suspended for “disruptive behavior.” That led to disciplinary hearings and the formal warning that they would be punished if they prayed in a faculty member’s office again.

The two ran into trouble when they were praying for a teacher who was ill in her office when another instructor walked in and blurted out, “You can’t be doing that in here.” The two women ceased praying and left the office. Note the “offensive” act – praying – didn’t occur in a classroom or during structured instruction.

The Peralta Community College District contend they were entitled to designate faculty offices as “places for teaching and learning and working,” and not for “protests, demonstrations, prayer or other activities” that would be disruptive.

There’s a new one. Prayer is disruptive. One can only imagine what educrats would think of someone meditating in a faculty member’s office. Are they just mediating or – heaven forbid (or should that be “secular forbid”) – thinking disruptive Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or some other religious thoughts?

This is the hope of liberals – to contain religious expression – not including Islam, of course – and put it in a closed box, where they don’t have to see it, hear it or be otherwise exposed to it.

Why? Because major religions, at their very core, have a set of rules of what you should – and shouldn’t – do. Of course, this is nails on a chalkboard to the liberal mind, in which no moral bounds should exist; a world in which the only thing to be judged is judging itself.

Expelled – EXPELLED – from a private college for quietly praying for someone. Thanks liberals. Thanks for your strong show of “diversity” and “tolerance”. You really are the torchbearer for those ideals.

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